286 persons died due to dog bite during the year 2023

Pashu Sandesh, 03 Aug 2024

Answering a question related to stray dog bites reported and persons injured and died in the country during the last year, THE MINISTER OF FISHERIES, ANIMAL HUSBANDRY AND DAIRYING  RAJIV RANJAN SINGH informed in Loksabha that according to the data captured in the Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP) implemented by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, total 30,43,339 number of dog bite cases reported during 2023. The Number of anti-rabies shots for dog bite cases in 2023 was 46,54,398 as reported by the National Centre for Disease Control.

He further informed that The Ministry of Health & Family Welfare(MoH &FW) has been implementing the National Rabies Control Programme since the 12th Five-year plan in all States/UTs except for Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep to prevent and control Rabies in the Country.