Biosecurity Measures in Dairy Farming( Part 2)

Pashu Sandesh, 22 Jan 2022

Dr Rajendrakumar Gujarathi B.V.Sc. & A.H. (BOM)

Livestock Development Officer Dondaicha, Dist. Dhule

In this article, we will learn about the internal Biosafety of the dairy farm:-

Dairy business can be done mainly in 2 ways. Both have some advantages and disadvantages

1. Stallfed method:-

In this method, the animals are tied tail to tail/Head to head at a certain distance in the barn and their excreta is collected in a drain in the centre of the barn surface and disposed of properly. The animals are given food, water and fodder on the spot. Their milk is also extracted by machine or by hand. In this method, the animals are given food and water as per our time n choice, so it is doubtful whether they will get the fodder and speciality water as they want, as well as the possibility of mastitis and milk production so it may not be a satisfactory method.

2. Free Grazing method:-

This method is relatively useful. In this method, animals are let loose in a particular area. Approximately 1 animal need a 200 sqm area and in 1 Guntha approx 5 animals can be released for grazing. Here water is provided on both sides of the barn making it easy for the animals to get as much water as they want and hence milk production has increased. Also, animals defaecate in this area and also walking on it their excreta produces excellent quality manure. Ticks infestation is also less in such herds. In this method, the animals are tied twice at the time of milking and offered proper feeding.

The following factors also need to be taken into consideration for internal biosecurity measures:-

1. It is very important to keep the inside of the farm clean and disinfected for clean milk production.

2. It is very important to use cement or other materials on all floor sides of the farm.

3. It is very important to pay attention to the people visiting the barn like the treating doctors, the staff working on the farm, the equipment used in the barn, new animals etc.

4. Sick animals in the herd should be separated from other healthy animals and treated properly by a veterinarian.

5. It is essential to spray the Tickicide at least once a week on the animals in the barn. As a precautionary measure, Biological tick control measures such as Metargium(fungus) 2%  solution as per their advice showed effective control on ticks of the animals.

6. It should also be noted what should be done daily on the farm. An illness that has occurred in the past should be recorded in the daily diary so that future treatment can be saved.

7. If the animal dies, the animal postmortem ie necropsied by a graduate veterinarian for the cause of death should be ascertained.

8. There are weak and low yielding animals in the barn and they should be separated from time to time

9. The new person visiting the barn or the person on the farm should avoid contact as much as possible. They should be informed about the rules regarding biosecurity. The feeding and watering times of the animals should be strictly observed as much of the economics of the dairy business depends on it.

10. It is very important to vaccinate Hs/BQ disease periodically  It is very important to do f.m.d. vaccination mainly twice a year n H.S../B.Q. regularly.

11. Blood tests of all animals should be done once a year, mainly for TB and Brucellosis. At the end of the inspection, it will be a matter of public awareness and a matter of pride for your farm to put up a sign on the farm saying that this is Free from TB and Brucella disease.                       

12. If there is any change in the behaviour of the animal while you are walking with it on the farm, you should immediately get it examined by an expert veterinarian and get medical treatment.

Friends, I have tried to write this article by working on my field-level experience as well as compiling and reading information. I think reading this article will definitely help you in doing the dairy business in a scientific way.